UNA Pressroom

Cle Course At Una Provides Needed Service And Philanthropy

Nov. 25, 2014

Michelle Eubanks, UNA, at media@casabo.net, 256.765.4392 or 256.606.2033

Bryan Rachal,

Public Affairs and Media Relations

FLORENCE, Ala. -来自周边地区的律师在K8彩乐园校园参加由西北阿拉巴马妇女法律协会主办的继续法律教育课程, and UNA benefitted in the process.

为了跟上法律的变化,律师每年必须参加12小时的CLE课程. 在UNA举办的CLE课程的独特之处在于,所有收益都捐给了UNA的模拟审判计划. Paula Bassham, attorney and member of Northwest Alabama Women's Legal Association, 表示他们很高兴将资金捐给UNA的模拟审判项目,因为这是该地区为数不多的项目之一.

“其他所有大学都有类似的活动,他们可以筹集资金,帮助有兴趣上法学院的人. So all the local lawyers, in I think five surrounding counties, are trying to get together on this to support UNA," Bassham said.

巴舍姆和法官安吉拉·特里以及律师劳拉·特里和克里斯蒂·格雷厄姆是全国律师协会的官员. 巴舍姆说,全国律师协会计划每年举办一次CLE课程,为该校的模拟审判项目提供支持. Dr. Carmen Burkhalter, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at UNA, said that plan coincides with the mission of both UNA and the College of Arts and Sciences.

“法律是一门需要继续教育的学科,如果UNA认为自己是该地区教育的领导者, it only makes sense that we offer an event to allow attorneys to get continuing education hours. In addition, the NAWLA has graciously agreed to donate the proceeds to our mock trial program, 这将进一步帮助学生为研究生院或生活的任何方面做好准备,为他们提供批判性思维和批判性问题的坚实基础," Burkhalter said.

自1998年以来,联合国大学的模拟审判项目一直是政治科学和法律研究项目的一个组成部分. Over the past sixteen years, the UNA mock trial team has competed in more than 13 states at regional and national competitions, and won numerous awards.

有关模拟审判项目的更多信息或UNA历史和政治科学系:256.765.4306 or online at 7ag.casabo.net/history.


The University of North Alabama is an accredited, 综合性区域性州立大学,通过文理学院提供本科和研究生学位课程, Business, Education and Human Sciences, and Nursing. Occupying a 130-acre campus in a residential section of Florence, Alabama, UNA is located within a four-city area that also includes Tuscumbia, Sheffield and Muscle Shoals. UNA also operates a renowned collegiate athletic program in NCAA Division II's Gulf South Conference. K8彩乐园是一所机会均等的大学,在录取政策上不存在种族歧视, color, sex, religion, disability, age or national origin.
